Five Senses Education

Contact Information
Five Senses Education
2/195 Prospect Highway Seven Hills, 2147
Police Clearence Certificate
Detailed Information

Welcome to Five Senses Education, your reliable educational retailer in Australia with over 40 years of experience in the industry. We’re a family-owned business that strives to provide customers with a wide range of quality educational resources at good prices. With a fantastic selection of quality toys, books and textbooks, we cater to schools, teachers and parents looking to support their children’s educational journey. If you are buying resources for your school, we’ll be pleased to set up samples so you can decide which resources will best meet your needs.

Our vast selection of curriculum-aligned learning materials for primary and secondary students covers different subjects including mathematics, science, and literacy. We also carry a selection of exam preparation books and study guides for students preparing for standardized tests, such as NAPLAN, HSC, and VCE.

In addition to primary and secondary school books, we carry early childhood educational books and games. For us, these resources are not just about fun but allowing kids to explore, experiment and learn about the world around them. Along with offering materials, we also provide educational programmes for preschoolers and support to parents of young children studying at home.

Get in touch today and discover the joy of shopping with Five Senses Education.

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